This section provides an overview of the wallets being tracked by, including their chain and number of transactions. To add a new wallet, please use the plus icon in the 'Add new wallet' section.
This section allows you to add new wallets. To do so, you must specify the public wallet address, a wallet name, and the relevant blockchain.
Once you have added your wallet, it will be automatically included in the "Tracked Wallets" list. This list provides additional information, such as:
You will also see three call-to-action buttons on the right side of the list:
How to connect wallets from Fireblocks
<aside> 💡 At, the security of our users is a top priority and is treated with the utmost seriousness. We will never request your private keys and will not sign any transactions on your behalf. We operate in a non-custodial and transparent manner to ensure the safety and security of our users.
<aside> 👈 Overview
<aside> 👉 Transactions