To see all the information about a specific wallet, you need to click on the Wallet ID/ Name/ 🔍-icons.
The Transaction list displays the Date and Time of the transaction, the Sender and Receiver, the Category, the Amount, Cost Basis, the Last Updated Period and a link to the relevant Block Explorer.
The date and time indicate when the transaction was confirmed on the blockchain and are displayed in the format YYYY-MM-DD, H:MM:SS AM/PM, in the Central European Time zone.
This section displays which wallet was the sender (outflows) and which wallet was the receiver (inflows) of the transaction. Arrows are used to indicate the direction of the transaction, with an upward-pointing arrow representing the sender and a downward-pointing arrow representing the receiver.
This section features a dropdown field that allows the user to select the appropriate category for the transaction. Multiple transactions can be selected simultaneously and the selected account type or name can be applied to all of them at once. Different account names can also be selected for the gas fees and the inflows and outflows.
By clicking on the cost basis field at the top or next to each transaction, the user can select the calculation method they wish to apply.
There are 3 different types to calculate the unrealized Gains/Losses:
This information indicates the date and time at which the data was added to the list.