After signing up, you will be presented with a summary of your monthly inflows and outflows, portfolio distribution, and a list of your wallets. If you are a new user, this section will be empty. We will explain how to add wallets at the end of the section.


Once wallets are added, the data will be visible in the four sections of the "Quick overview" page:


Navigation Bar


The navigation bar is organized using main and sub-headers to create a clear and intuitive structure for users to explore the site's content:

Adding a wallet

The “Transaction” > “Wallets” section allows you to add new wallets. To do so, you must specify the public wallet address, a wallet name, and the relevant blockchain.




Once you have added your wallet, it will be automatically included in the "Tracked Wallets" list. This list provides additional information, such as:

You will also see three call-to-action buttons on the right side of the list: